Dive into an Vietnamese Iced Coffee

Dive into an Vietnamese Iced Coffee

With the weather warming up, we've been dreaming of travelling around the globe and in particular, lying on a beautiful beach in South-East Asia. While we might have to wait a little longer before we can pack our bikinis and hop on a flight, we can definitely try to soothe that travel bug with a delicious Vietnamese coffee!  It's not quite Hanoi but it will have to do for now! 


Vietnam and Coffee – more than you think 

Vietnamese Coffee or cà phê đá literally translates to “Iced Coffee” and is one of our favourite summery coffee recipes. Few people realise Vietnam is renowned for its coffee production, being one of the leading countries to export coffee around the globe.  

Coffee History 

Coffee growing in Vietnam didn’t start until the mid to late 19th century. It was the French who brought coffee over to Vietnam, and they found the hot climate in Northern part of the country to be the perfect landscape for growing. As time went on, Vietnam was producing so much high-quality coffee, that by the 1970’s they were able to start exporting it across the globe – and still do today.  

What's so special about Vietnamese Coffee? 

What really makes Vietnamese Coffee different is the condensed milk. The milk changes the flavor profile of the coffee, bringing in that beautiful sweetness that is so iconic in Vietnamese Coffee. When French Nationals were living in Vietnam, they were having their coffee cravings (I am sure we can all relate to that). However, due to the lack of dairy in the country and the elevated temperatures, it made it almost impossible to import milk. Obviously, everyone needs their morning coffee and for the French, this would have normally been coffee with milk. The easiest solution for their problem was Condensed Milk. Not only could it be easily imported it makes the coffee taste even better! 


Vietnamese Coffee Recipe – thank us later! 


  • 2 x Espresso Shots  
  • 200mL x Hot Water  
  • 40mL x Condensed Milk 
  • Ice Cubes (to serve) 
  • 1 x Glass  


  1. Place glass in freezer to ensure it keeps your drink extra cold 
  2. Brew Espresso Shots according to machine instructions 
  3. Stir the Condensed Milk into the coffee shot 
  4. Adding the Hot Water and stirring to dissolve the condensed Milk 
  5. Add Ice Cubes to serve 
  6. Time to Enjoy! 


We would love to hear how you go with our Vietnamese Coffee and if you have any questions just reach out to us on our socials! 

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